Our clinic provides the following dental services:
- Examinations
- Cleans
- Fluroide application
- Fillings
- Extractions
- Root Canal Treatment
- Crown and Bridge work ( lab costs involved)
- Denture Services (lab costs involved)
- Mouthgurads (lab costs involved)
- X rays
We conduct school screening at our local scholls and always participate at community events such as NAIDOC Day and our annua; Biripi Bay Show to name a few.
Do I need to pay?
NO: if you are an indigenous person who hlds a Health Care Card or Pension Card, the service is free (shared costs apply for dentures, crowns, mouthguards etc).
NO: if your partner is indigenous and you hold a Health Care Card or Pesnsion Card. Proof of living at the same residence must be provided if requested.
NO: Indigenous children are free. Our clinic claims Medicare Child Dental Benefits Schedule where families are eligible.
YES: If you are Indigenous and don’t hold a Health Care Card or Pension Card; 50% of set government fee is required. We ensure all treatments are as affordable as possible.
YES: If you’re Non-Indigenous you are required to pay full cost of our set government fees.
If you are new to our service, you will need to provide Proof of Aboriginality with certified stamp and current Health and/or Pension Cards if held.
Please call us on (02) 6591 2413 to make an appointment today.